Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum
About APNF
The Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum (APNF) offers a unique platform for networking across the Asia region between governments, developing industry, venture capital, and R&D Centres.

APNF News Journal, Conference Summaries, Registration Forms, Press Releases, Media Kits, and more.

APNF Journals, Books, Reports
The Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum publishes the quarterly APNF News Journal, Conference Proceedings and Special Reports.

APNF News APNF RSS Newsfeed
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The Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum (APNF) has fulfilled its mission as initiator and catalysist of development of regional and national Nanotechnology strategies, development policies, national investment, special national nanotechnology initiatives and regional cooperation.

Founded in Japan in 1999 by Dr Jurgen Schulte (the then CEO of nanotechnology investment firm nABACUS Ltd, Hong Kong) with strategic support by the government of Japan and US National Science Foundation and the US National Science and Technology Council's Nanoscale Science Committee, APNF has been the foremost facilitator of early nanotechnology investment and policy development in Asia.

APNF has hosted over 30 international conferences across Asia on nanotechnology investment, policy and development as well as supported numerous nanotechnology focused science and education development conferences.

This web site is a historic snapshot of APNF’s activities and documentation of nanotechnology development in Asia. Over time, this site will release more historic documents to the general public, highlighting the era of intense nanotechnology start up efforts by governments and large corporations across Asia. A treasure of the history of industrial nanotechnology in Asia; worthwhile to visit again for more historic gems.

Seminar Series
AJBA Breakfast
INBC 2006
ANSGC 2006
APNF Members come from Nanotechnology commercialization, R&D, venture capital and policy development with a need to keep abreast of developments in Nanotechnology in the Asia region.
All trademarks are © of their respective copyright owners, all other content is © 2001-2011 Asia Pacific Nanotechnology Forum.